quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2011

Elena Kalis - Conceito em Fotografia debaixo da água


I am an underwater photographer based in The Bahamas

I'm involved in
Public Circles Project

Awesome and inspiring Google+ users I recommend:

Rodney Pike
Paul Roustan
Ruben Ireland
Johann Bodin
Paul mojica
Mathieu Reynès
Steve Broome
Denis Labelle
Natalie Villalobos
Robert Scoble
Tom Anderson

Photography realated
Catherine Hall
Alan Shapiro
Geoffroy Demarquet
helen sotiriadis
Trey Ratcliff
Jaime García
Laura FerreiraVivienne Gucwa
Philippe Sainte-Laudy
Thomas Hawk
Christopher Paquette
Leanne Staples
Victor Bezrukov
Lotus Carroll
Lisa Bettany
Jarek Klimek
Peter Bargh
Colby Brown

I will be updating this list with new names so please check out later as well.

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